National Examinations Board to Announce SEE Results on June 27th

Kathmandu, Nepal - The National Examinations Board (NEB) will announce the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) tomorrow, June 27th,…

SEE 2080 Results: Expected to be Published by Mid-Aashad

The National Examinations Board (NEB) is pleased to announce that the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) 2080 are expected to be p…

Fake candidates of SEE: Some released in charge of parents, some released on bail of 40,000

All the examinees who were arrested for giving the SEE exam in the name of someone else have been released.

Decision to allow certain students to study Social Studies in English

Foreign students of Nepali schools located abroad and foreign students studying in Nepal will be able to study Social Studies of class 10 in English …

On the day of Nepali subject, the science question paper arrived

In yesterday's SEE exam too, there is a serious error in Dhanusha. There was a problem when the question papers of the Nepali subject were to be…

Fake SEE examinee of Rautahat mayor arrested

RAUTAHAT : A fake examinee has been arrested for taking the Secondary  Education Examination (SEE) instead of the Mayor of Dewahi Gonahi Municipality…

Reason: Why Nepali subject question papers were found inside the envelopes of English in Dhanusha, Aurahi ? (Friday)

Dhanusha The SEE examination has started almost an hour late at an examination center in Dhanusha after the question paper of Nepali subject arrived …

Student who tried to get out the question paper of SEE was cancelled, five people including the head of the center were suspended

Bara   The examination of Pawan Sah, a student who tried to leak the compulsory English subject question paper of the SEE which was started from Frid…
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