Student who tried to get out the question paper of SEE was cancelled, five people including the head of the center were suspended


The examination of Pawan Sah, a student who tried to leak the compulsory English subject question paper of the SEE which was started from Friday, has been cancelled. 

While the examination was being conducted at Nepal National Secondary School Chiutaha located in Ward No. 1 of Adarsh ​​Kotwal Rural Municipality of Bara, the examinee Sah leaked the question paper from a hidden mobile phone which he took secretly in the examination hall. He published the first page of the question paper through Facebook.

Due to this incident, 5 people including the head of the center, the assistant head of the center and the inspector have been suspended. According to Bara Chief District Officer Navraj Sapkota, Center President Dinesh Prasad Sah, Assistant Center President Padmaraj Chaudhary, Vijay Prasad Chaudhary and Inspectors Kundan Prasad Kushwaha and Shyam Kishore Gupta have been suspended.

The symbol no. of Sah who issued the question paper is 03602946 V. He is a student of Janata Secondary School Kacharwa located in the same municipality. Prajiya Sapkota informed that his exam was canceled only of today.

Chief District Officer of Bara, Sapkota, who arrived as soon as he got the information that the question paper was leaked, investigated the incident.

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