SEE 2080 Results: Expected to be Published by Mid-Aashad

The National Examinations Board (NEB) is pleased to announce that the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) 2080 are expected to be published in the second week of Aashad.

We are currently in the final stages of evaluating answer sheets.

NEB Controller of Examinations, Nandalal Paudel, confirmed that results have already been collected from 17 examination centers. Evaluation is ongoing for answer sheets from a total of 52 centers. Mr. Paudel further informed that the evaluation process for answer sheets from 17 centers has been completed.

A total of 4 lakh 67 thousand students participated in the SEE 2080 examination.

The National Examinations Board will announce the official release date for the SEE results in the coming days. Please continue to monitor our official website and social media channels for further updates.

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