Reason: Why Nepali subject question papers were found inside the envelopes of English in Dhanusha, Aurahi ? (Friday)


The SEE examination has started almost an hour late at an examination center in Dhanusha after the question paper of Nepali subject arrived instead of English subject.

The examination started 50 minutes late at the Mavi Chakkar examination center located in Aurhi Rural Municipality of Dhanusha.  The exam, which starts at 8 am, has started at 8:50 am.

Yuk Sharma, Head of District Education Co-ordination Unit Dhanusha, informed that due to a technical problem, Examination was started late after Nepali subject question papers were found in English subject envelopes.  Under SEE, the compulsory English subject examination has started from 8 am today across the country. 

According to Education Development Director of Madhesh Province, Chudamani Phuyal, although English subject was written on the cloth on the bundle of question papers provided by the National Examination Board, Nepali subject question papers were found in the bag inside.  He said that after knowing that the question paper of Nepali subject did not reach the hands of any examinee, the examination was conducted by removing the question paper of English.  The examination was started by bringing English subject question papers from District Police Office Dhanusha in Janakpurdham.

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