NEB - GRADE XII 2080 (2023) Model Question issued by NEB, OCE

In order to simplify and clarify the question papers of the subjects being taught in class 12 according to the new curriculum, the sample question papers of thirty (30) subjects of the syllabus received from the seminar conducted with the participation of the relevant subject experts and evaluation experts have been published on the website of the board

for the purpose of getting feedback from the relevant stakeholders. Therefore, if there is any improvement necessary in the published sample questions, it is requested to provide suggestions within 15 days (2080-01-18) through the relevant offices of National Examinations Board or directly to the Examination Control Office. 

As per the format of the sample question paper, the question paper will be prepared in the annual examination of class 12 which will be conducted from 26th of Baishakh, 2080.

Link: नमुना प्रश्नपत्रहरू (कक्षा १२) 

Click here: 

More details at: Shiksha 

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  1. What about the question model of students who are giving grade improvement exam this year from 12th grade? Is there different question paper or same as regular student?
    1. There might be different question papers for different batches i.e different QP for students before 2078, different QP for 2078 Batch and different QP for Regular students 2079 Batch.
    2. Which model questions has been follow those student who get NG in 2078 exam??
    3. There is no huge difference between the model questions of Curriculum Development Centre and National Examinations Board. You can follow both model. Only there is difference in 'OR' questions.
  2. Is this real or fake neb site? Kinnki market dherai fake site xa rw neb ko official site nee xa ani yo tw blog hoo ne so confused vayo? Reply dednus na
    1. Official website of NEB:
  3. Which model questions has been follow those student who get NG in 2078 exam??
    1. There is no huge difference between the model questions of Curriculum Development Centre and National Examinations Board. You can follow both model. Only there is difference in 'OR' questions.
  4. Technical stream civil engineering ko model question khai?
    1. पाठ्यक्रम विकास केन्द्रले अझैसम्म प्रकाशन गरेको छैन ।
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