Class 12: Question Papers will be prepared with reference to the model question paper

Bhaktapur, April 29: 31 sets of Model Question Papers of 30 subjects of Class 12 (2 sets of Accounting-1041 subject) have been published on the website of the board. As per the format of the sample question paper, the question paper will be prepared in the annual examination of class 12 which will be conducted from 26th of Baishakh, 2080. Students are requested to be informed via school administration.

For more information: Shiksha078 

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  1. Open the question
    1. Sir yo gandaki province lai k ho tani this is so confusing
      So pressurize to student
    2. सम्पूर्ण प्रदेशका परीक्षार्थीहरुले यसै सूचनालाई आधारमानी गर्नुहोला ।
      Class 12: Question Papers will be prepared with reference to the model question paper
  2. NEB - GRADE XII 2080 (2023) Model Question issued by NEB, OCE
    1. Sir Social English ma lekna mildena
    2. Hello sir 🙏 3utw subject dini ko 28gata ho English ko exam
  3. Yo sudhurpachim province ko lagi matra ho ki sabai province ko lagi ho?
    1. सूचना चाहिँ सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशको लागी मात्र हो तर सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थीले यसैअनुसार गर्दा हुनेछ ।
    2. Province 1 ko students la pani yo format ma garda hunuxa? Yessai ko reference ma questions aayuxa confused vayo??
    3. Sabaile yei format anusar tayari garni ho?like province no 5? Vandinu na
    4. सम्पूर्ण प्रदेशका परीक्षार्थीहरुले यसै सूचनालाई आधारमानी गर्नुहोला ।
      Class 12: Question Papers will be prepared with reference to the model question paper
  4. 12 ko ta sab ko same huncha ni aba k har province ma bhndai hini ho kya sense chaina?
    1. Regarding Question Papers:

      1. Will there be different question papers for 2078 and 2079 Batches?

      2. साधारण धारतर्फका विषयहरूको प्रश्नपत्र फरक-फरक सम्भवतः तीन फरक प्रश्नपत्रहरु विभिन्न सात प्रदेशका लागि ।

      3. For Technical Subjects CDC hasn't issued model questions.

      General subjects ko same questions hudaina, Mainly 3 question papers for 7 different provinces.
      परम्परागत तथा संस्कृत विषयको प्रश्नपत्र नेपालभरि same हुनसक्छ ।
  5. Technical ko ta model nai xaina , k hernu?
    1. Nahera hami yetekai top hanne
  6. Where is psychology model paper ??
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