National Examinations Board to Announce SEE Results on June 27th

Kathmandu, Nepal - The National Examinations Board (NEB) will announce the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) tomorrow, June 27th, 2024, at 10:00 AM. Nandalal Paudel, Controller of Examinations for Grade 10, confirmed the news during a press conference today.

"We have finalized all arrangements to ensure a smooth release of the results," stated Paudel. "The verification process is nearing completion and will continue throughout the night."

A total of 504,414 students participated in the SEE examinations conducted from March 28th to April 9th, 2024. The NEB will evaluate the results based on the grading guidelines introduced in 2078 BS, which considers both theoretical and internal assessments. Students must score a minimum of 35% in theory and 40% (or 10 points) in the internal assessment to pass a subject.

Those who fail to achieve the minimum theoretical score of 26.25 in subjects with a 75-point theory component will receive a grade of 'NG'. They will be required to take a supplementary exam to be eligible for Grade 11 studies. 

Find more information on: National Examinations Board  

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