
Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology Decided to Include All Students in Supplementary Exam

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has decided to allow all students who failed the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) to participate in the supplementary exams. This decision was made during a meeting chaired by the Education Minister on Friday.

Previously, according to the examination board's letter grading guidelines, students who failed in more than two subjects were not eligible for supplementary exams. However, spokesman Keshav Dahal explained that the ministry has decided to provide this opportunity to all students due to the implementation of a new system from this year.

Dahal mentioned that the ministry has decided to include students who failed in more than two subjects in the supplementary exams, directing the concerned authorities to make necessary arrangements. "Now, regardless of the number of subjects a student has failed, they will be allowed to take the supplementary exams. We have directed the relevant bodies to facilitate this process," said spokesman Dahal. "The letter grading guidelines will also need to be amended, and additional coaching classes will be necessary."

According to Dahal, the Curriculum Development Center, all district education coordination units, and the National Examination Board have been instructed to ensure that all students can participate in the supplementary exams. According to the SEE results published on Thursday, 126,479 students have failed in more than two subjects. The ministry has decided to include these students in the supplementary exams as well. 

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