Important Notice for Class 12 Exam Center Presidents: Downloading Question Papers

Attention Class 12 Exam Center Presidents

This is to inform you that question papers for the class 12 examination starting tomorrow will be available for download from the National Examination Board's website:

Downloading Question Papers:

1. Open NEB website in any web browser.

2. Click on the designated button for "Download Questions." 

3. You will be directed to a login page. Enter the username and password used during the class 11 registration process.

4. Click "Login."

5. Once logged in, locate and click the button for "Download Question Paper."

6. To receive the question paper on your mobile phone, click the "Request OTP" button. A one-time password (OTP) will be sent via SMS.

7. Enter the received 6-digit OTP in the designated field labeled "OTP."

8. Click the "Search" button.

9. The question paper will be displayed on the screen. Based on your needs, you can either download or print the question paper using the available buttons.

Thank you,

Read in Nepali Language: National Examinations Board

Office of Controller of Examinations, National Examinations Board 

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