Class 12 Exam Security Tightened: Question Papers Prepared at Janak Education Materials Center

To ensure the integrity of upcoming exams, authorities are implementing stricter measures for Class 12 question papers.

Following concerns about potential misuse, question papers will be prepared at the Janak Education Materials Center Ltd. (Janak Shiksha), a departure from the previous practice adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Previously, question papers were distributed electronically to exam centers for immediate printing. However, this method raised suspicion after reports surfaced that some private schools received the papers a day earlier, possibly due to actions by National Examination Board (NEB) examination branch personnel.

To address these concerns and enhance confidentiality, NEB officials will oversee question paper preparation at the secure Janak Shiksha facility. The officials will remain isolated from their families throughout this process.

Here's how the new system will work:

  • Questions will be electronically created and stored on a pen drive.
  • Shortly before the exam, the pen drive will be sealed in the presence of everyone involved.
  • One hour before the exam on the designated day, the sealed pen drive will be transported to the NEB office.
  • At the NEB office, the seal will be removed, and the questions will be transferred from the pen drive to a secure computer system.
  • Finally, the exam papers will be distributed electronically to the respective examination centers.

This enhanced security protocol aims to prevent any unauthorized access to exam questions and ensure a fair testing environment for all Class 12 students.

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