Here's How to check Class 12 Examination Results

“If there is no technical difficulty, we will publish the results of class 12 tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. However, it may take a day or two more if there is some technical difficulty.”

 - National Examinations Board, Dr. Mahashram Sharma  

Information related to the examination results can be obtained from the following website, SMS service and IVR service:


 1- National Examination Board website:

 2- Nepal Telecom website:

 SMS Service:

 1. How to send SMS to 1600 of Nepal Telecom: NEB <space> Symbol No. Type and SMS to 1600.

 IVR Service:

 1. The result can be obtained by dialing the number 1601 of Nepal Telecom according to the instructions received. 




Instructions (for Web, SMS & IVR)


Log into Type your symbol number (Example:- 17300927) & DOB (2055/09/19) in the input box and search


Type NEB <space> SYMBOL and Send it to 1600

IVR System (From PSTN and CDMA phones) Dial 1601 and follow the instructions  

National Examination Board

XII Result : 2078


This page can be accessed by the authorized School Personnel.

In case of lost password/ forgotten password,

Please contact at the concerned NEB (Provisional/Branch) of the school. 

Any Quries ? 

If 'Yes' then Contact: National Examinations Board 

About the Author

A web portal for latest news and stories based on education in Nepal.


  1. Results
    1. कक्षा १२ को नतिजा अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको राष्ट्रिय परीक्षा बोर्डले जनाएको छ । बोर्ड अनुसार यही साउन महिनाभित्र नतिजा प्रकाशित पनि हुनसक्छ नभए भदौ महिना पुग्ने सम्भावना पनि छ ।
    2. 1600
  2. Can't you guys say directly to publish at fix date, Don't you guys believe in your system, What nonsense is this ?, Why you guys are making we student in trouble, Don't you guys have feelings, fellows
    1. 29
    2. About Class 12 Results Publication:
  3. 24917335
    1. 24917335
  4. Hema Bayambu
  5. Results
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