Sat, July 29
Message issued in public interest:
URGENT NOTICE: There is a rapid spread of eye disease in different parts of the country, including Butwal. To protect yourself and others, follow these crucial measures:
1. **Avoid touching your eyes with your hands:** Our hands come into contact with various surfaces, and touching your eyes can transfer harmful germs, leading to infections.
2. **Frequent hand washing:** Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This simple act can prevent the spread of infections.
3. **Use clean towels and washcloths daily:** Regularly changing your towels and washcloths helps maintain hygiene and prevents the transmission of bacteria and viruses.
4. **Avoid sharing personal eye care items:** Do not share eye cosmetics, eye drops, or any other personal eye care items to minimize the risk of infection transmission.
5. **Maintain distance from infected individuals:** If someone around you shows symptoms of an eye infection, maintain a safe distance to reduce the chances of contracting the disease.
6. **Seek immediate medical attention if infected:** If you experience any signs of an eye infection (redness, itching, discharge), consult a healthcare professional promptly. Wearing dark glasses can help protect your eyes and prevent the spread of infection to others.
Additional preventive measures:
7. **Avoid rubbing your eyes:** Rubbing your eyes can introduce germs and irritants, leading to eye infections. If your eyes feel itchy or irritated, use clean water or eye drops recommended by a doctor.
8. **Practice good eye hygiene:** If you wear contact lenses, make sure to follow proper hygiene procedures, such as cleaning and storing them correctly.
9. **Protect your eyes from the sun:** Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful rays and reduce the risk of certain eye conditions.
10. **Keep your surroundings clean:** Regularly disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched, like doorknobs, handles, and electronic devices, to prevent the spread of infections.
11. **Stay informed and follow health guidelines:** Stay updated on the latest information about eye diseases from reliable health authorities and follow their guidelines to protect yourself and your community.
Remember, taking preventive measures not only protects you but also helps prevent the further spread of eye diseases in our community. Thank you for your cooperation, and let's work together to stay healthy and safe!