Even if you fail in more than two subjects in Class 12, you will be able to participate in the Grade Increasement Examinations. The Curriculum Development Center has sent the letter grading guidelines to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for revision. Earlier, if you failed in more than 2 subjects, you have to retake all the subjects. Now the students will be able to participate in the grade increasement examinations.
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There was a rule that students who got 'NG' in more than two subjects in the class 12 exam conducted by the National Examinations Board could not join/ participate in the grade increasement examinations. Now, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is going to amend the provision regarding grade increasement examinations in the Letter Grading Directory , 2078 and arrange for students who have failed more than two subjects to join the examination in only those subjects that they have got 'NG'. Such students must obtain the prescribed grades in all subjects within three years.
According to the examination board, 450,000 students are participating in the class 12 exam every year. Among them, more than 60,000 students fail in more than two subjects. Such students were required to participate in the examination of all the subjects of the next year. As a result, many students dropped out. Now, according to the international practice, it is going to be arranged to participate in the grade increasement examinations in Nepal as well.
The provision regarding Grade Increasement Examinations (GIE) in the letter grading guidelines/ directory, 2078 is going to be revised within a year. The government expects that the number of students dropping out due to not being able to pass 12th standard will decrease with this new system.
Read in Nepal: Preparation of revision of Letter Grading Directory, 2078