Grade Increasement Examinations in the same subject as 'NG' in the same subject

22 Baisakh 2080, Friday

Kathmandu, May 05: It has been arranged that grade increasement examinations can be given for subjects who have received 'non-graded' in class 12th examinations. It was decided to amend the Letter Grading Guideline, 2078 by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology on the proposal of the National Examinations Board. 

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Member Secretary of the Board, Durga Aryal informed that since they have received 'non-graded' in any subject in more than two subjects, they will be allowed to appear in the exam for grade enhancement in all those subjects. Those who get less than 35 percent will be classified as 'non-graded'. 

Durga Aryal, member secretary of the board, while informing about the revision of letter grading guidelines, 2078, said, "Even if they bring non-graded in more than two subjects, they will be allowed to participate in the chance examination only in the non-graded subjects."

Earlier, only those who got non-graded in two subjects at most could participate in the grade enhancement exam. Those who got non-graded in more than two subjects had to take the exam in all subjects.

With the new decision, the way has been opened for 56,000 students of last year, who received non-graded in more than two subjects, to participate in the grade increase examination.

He informed that the students will be allowed to participate in the annual examination up to three times only in those subjects in which they have received non-graded. He said that this decision will bring relief to the students.  

They are also relieved by the new decision. Now they don't have to give exams in all subjects.

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